Mowing Maintenance

Realization of low-cost mowing maintenance

Mower maintenance by GIGA Solar’s unique heavy machinery controlled by remote controller (Giga RC Multi-Cutter) can drastically reduce mowing time, and no need to handle cut grass as industrial waste because of being able to crush grass to pieces.

GIGA Solar’s unique heavy machinery controlled
by remote controller
(Giga RC Multi-Cutter)

GIGA Solar’s unique heavy machinery controlled by remote controller

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We mow grass
under modules
by unique handy mower

We mow grass under modules by unique handy mower

Strengths of Giga RC Multi-Cutter

Strength 1 It can be operated even in narrow spaces.

The machine size is compact,

and is suitable for solar power plants.
Strength 2 No need to handle cut grass as industrial waste.

Cut grass is crushed finely by hammer cutter.

Cut grass is crushed finely by hammer cutter.
Strength 3 It can be operated up to 60°

The machine climbing ability is outdoing because of caterpillar crawler.

The machine climbing ability is outdoing because of caterpillar crawler.
Strength 4 Mowing maintenance is safe even dangerous sites.

Remote control operation can ensure workers safety.

Remote control operation can ensure workers safety.
Strength 5 Thanks to high propulsion,it is easy to cut tall grass.

Realizing high power by suitable design.

Realizing high power by suitable design.