Solution is here!
Since GIGA Solar has extensive experience in construction, we can design optimum solar power plants from snowy areas to high-temperature and high-humidity areas.
Why choose us?
What is the GIGA Solar’s four strength? GIGA Solar’s unique inspiration is the decisive factor for PV plant construction with high efficiency, high productivity, and high profitability!
Rely on solar power
Giga solar has proposed a number of mounting structures for solar power plants which apply for any circumstances such as idle land, vacant land, farmland and rooftop.
GIGA Solar is also driving the project to set solar panels on the desert, including development of dual-axis tracker ‘SAVANNA TRACKER’ whose angle of inclination can be controlled by being informed latitude of setting sites in order to get the sunlight most efficiently.
We are continuing on new challenge since we believe possibility of reliable solar power generation for the future generations and turn our attention to energy problem promptly by gathering technology from a range of research teams.
We have been trying to develop higher quality products and offer services and also keeping on innovating throughout the past, the present and the future.
Message from CEO
Guarantee and Compensation
Product lineup